Development Policy Committee

“It is great that Finland has a network of parliamentarians, experts, civil servants, civil society actors and researchers, where we can work together on global sustainable development issues and development cooperation. Dialogue across administrative boundaries and position-building broaden thinking, improve the quality of decision-making and increase its transparency.”

– Chairs of the Development Policy Committee

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Brief presentation of the Development Policy Committee

The Development Policy Committee is an advisory body representing Finnish parliamentary parties and larger society. It is tasked with keeping systematically and extensively abreast of what happens in development policy as part of the implementation of sustainable development. A specific aim of the Committee is to strengthen the effectiveness of and dialogue on development policy in Finland. The operation of the Development Policy Committee is based on provisions set out by Government Decree on the Development Policy Committee (1071/2019). Its members include representatives of parliamentary parties, interest groups, civil society organisations (CSOs) and universities in the UniPID network (Finnish University Partnership for International Development). In addition, different ministries and various stakeholders are represented in the Committee. The Committee will continue its intensified cooperation with the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development also during its term of office in 2024–2027.

Development Policy Committee appointed for the term 2024-2027 – new role and reformed composition (in Finnish)

What is development policy?

Finland conducts development policy in order to reduce global poverty and inequality in accordance with the international treaties, commitments and principles approved by the Government. The policy covers development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and cross-administrative and cross-sectoral cooperation pursued to promote sustainable development. Development policy is targeted especially at poor and vulnerable regions, but it is also a means to exert influence on decision-making in international forums. In other words, development policy is a means for Finland to carry its share of global responsibility and to exercise global influence.
The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its goals, and human rights form the foundation on which development policy is based. Finland specifies its own goals by preparing a development policy programme for each term of government.

Development policy is part of the external relations of Finland and the EU. In addition, it plays an important role in that it strengthens coherence, which supports sustainable development in other policy sectors. It also complements Finland’s foreign and security policy and external economic relations by bringing in the sustainable development perspective.