DPC work programme 2024-27


The work programme (2024–2027) of the Development Policy Committee (DPC) guides the implementation of the DPC’s strategy. It determines the DPC’s activities and goals and structures
the committee’s work according to the operational funds and personnel available during the term.
The work programme is based on three interconnected target areas from the DPC’s strategy. Their purpose is to increase the long-term impact and effectiveness of DPC’s operations and the significance of
development policy. This work programme selects the key themes and current topics within
these target areas and defines the known processes in which the DPC will participate. The key themes form a common position, make recommendations and set out the objectives and actions of the DPC’s advocacy work, in line with the DPC’s mandate. The selection and timing of these thematic priorities will take into account the knowledge base and recommendations provided by evaluations by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the opportunities for cooperation. The current themes are primarily aimed at information exchange, interaction and learning. Their selection particularly considers Parliament’s
information needs. Key and current themes are selected to support and complement each other. Additionally, the work programme schedules advocacy work as well as working trips and other events
organised by the DPC. The work programme is a living document, which is reviewed towards the end of each operational year and updated by the DPC’s working committee for the following operational year as needed.

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